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3-Fach Instrumentenhalterung
Manufactured from tough powder-coated steel, Turbosmart's triple gauge L-bracket is an ideal mounting solution for three Turbosmart 52mm gauges.
33,25 €
Turbosmart Elektronische Abgastemperaturanzeige...
Electric Exhaust Gas Temperature gauge, measuring from 400-2200¡F. Includes gauge, anti-glare shield, bracket, wiring harness and exhaust gas temperature sensor.
261,70 €
Turbosmart Elektronische Getriebe...
Electric Trnasmission Temperature gauge, measuring from 100-280¡F. Includes gauge, anti-glare shield, bracket, wiring harness and transmission temperature sensor.
136,75 €
Turbosmart Elektronische Ladedruckanzeige 0 bis...
Electric 0-30PSI boost-only gauge for diesel vehicles. Includes bracket, anti-glare shield, boost sensor, wiring harness, T-piece, PVC hose and inline filter.
145,10 €
Turbosmart Elektronische Ladedruckanzeige 0 bis...
Electric 4 Bar boost-only gauge for diesel vehicles.Ê Includes bracket, anti-glare shield, MAP sensor, wiring harness, and PVC hose.
190,30 €
Turbosmart Elektronische Ladedruckanzeige 0 bis...
Electric 0-60PSI boost-only gauge for diesel vehicles. Includes bracket, anti-glare shield, MAP sensor, wiring harness, and PVC hose.
190,30 €
Turbosmart FPR - OPR Anzeigeinstrument 0-100psi
Flüssigkeitsgefüllte Kraftstoffdruckanzeige. Geeignet für Turbosmart-Kraftstoffdruckregler inklusive FPR800, 1200, 2000 und 3000. Für 1/8 NPT-Anschluss.
35,60 €
Turbosmart Instrumentenhalter 52mm
Gauge Mounting Cup is an ideal accessory for the Turbosmart Boost Gauge.
41,55 €
Turbosmart Ladedruckanzeige 0,30psi 52mm
Turbosmart mechanical boost gauge is the perfect accessory for any of our Gated Boost Control Valves Featuring simple mechanical operation, a black face with silver bezel, bright back-lighting and vacuum to 30psi range.
70,15 €
Turbosmart Ladedruckanzeige 0,9 bis 2 Bar 52mm
Turbosmart mechanical boost gauge is the perfect accessory for any of our Gated Boost Control Valves Featuring simple mechanical operation, a black face with silver bezel, bright backlighting and vacuum to 2Bar range. All hook-up and...
70,15 €
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